Son Gets Humiliated Bringing Mom as His Date to Prom, Then His Classmates Learn a Lesson

A boy's classmates were taught a lesson after they humiliated him for bringing his mother as his date to prom night without knowing there was an important reason behind it.

John's mom, Trisha, became a mom when she was just a child of 17 years. She was a beautiful girl loved by all and voted most likely to succeed in her class, but all that changed when she learned that a mistake she made one night had become something more.

She was going to be a mother, but when she told her boyfriend, he broke up with her and denied the baby. To escape the ridicule she knew would follow, she started avoiding school and eventually dropped out to care for her child.

John took his mom to prom and his classmates tried to humiliate him for it | Source: Shutterstock

Because of that, Trisha missed her prom night. It had been a day she had always been looking forward to because she loved to dance. She harbored dreams of becoming a dancer but had to box it up to focus on making a living that would allow her to give her son a good life.

Still, her love for dance was apparent, especially to her son, who followed her about for the first few years of his toddler life since they could not afford school yet. She worked many odd jobs, but her favorite was sweeping the streets because it allowed her the freedom to dance.

She treated the pedestrians like fans, there to watch her perform, and some often watched her out of fascination because of how she always seemed to glow when she danced.

Trisha's favorite job was sweeping the streets because it allowed her the freedom to dance | Source: Pexels

Her son grew up knowing this, so when the time came for him to go to prom, he invited her as his date. "Mom, I'd like you to accompany me to my prom," he told her.

"Son, it's okay," she replied. "It is a night for the youth, not grumpy middle aged women like myself."

Deep inside, she was dying to say yes, but what sort of mother would that make her? "You probably have a date you would rather be with," she added when he started to object.

John asked his mom to accompany him to prom night | Source: Pexels

"No mom, I have no desire to go with anyone but you," he reaffirmed.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't because I have to work that day," she answered, but he knew she would join him.

Later, on that fateful day, Trisha sneaked into the prom hall, and because John had been watching the doors expecting her arrival, he saw her and cheered happily.

However, the teens around who saw them started making fun of John, calling him a loser and a mommy's boy. Trisha saw this happen and had no desire to see it escalate, so she made her exit quietly.

John found his mom outside crying and he led her back inside | Source: Pexels

But John found her outside crying and guided her back inside to officially introduce her. "This is my mom and I am very proud of her," he bellowed at the top of his voice.

"She raised me alone and gave up many things to make sure I grew up with all I needed. She abandoned her dream of becoming a dancer to cater to me, so please!," he shouted. "Let us have this dance."

Everyone was silent when he finished, then they all started clapping. The DJ played a slow song and mother and son danced and danced for as long as they could. When they stopped, everyone gave a round of applause.

Trisha gave her son a hug and told him with tears in her eyes, "You are my biggest achievement." At that moment, the other teenagers thought: "How can I make my parents happy and proud?

The whole room went silent for John and his mom's dance | Source: Pexels

What can we learn from this story?

  • Never judge. The boy's classmates judged him harshly when they saw his mother without knowing the reason why he had chosen to bring her, and they caused her great sadness by laughing. Thankfully, he did not let that ruin his plans of making his mother happy.
  • Always strive to make your parents proud. The boy grew up aware of the sacrifices his mother made for him, so he took it upon himself to repay her by fulfilling one of her wishes which made her proud of him.

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