Girl Who Cant Smile Was an Outcast Due to Relentless Bullying At 25, She Is Gorgeous

She was once the girl who endured relentless bullying and being treated as an outcast. Over time, she internalized the belittling remarks, reaching a point where she started doubting her own worth. Today, that same girl, who was consistently made to feel unwelcome in society, has blossomed into a beautiful, confident, and aspiring young woman—and this is just the beginning.

Tayla Clement, hailing from New Zealand, was born with Moebius syndrome, an uncommon neurological disorder that leads to facial paralysis, restricting movement in her eyebrows, eyes, and upper lip, making it impossible for her to smile.

"[Moebius syndrome] [affects] one individual in every 3 to 4 million, and it [affects] my 6th and 7th cranial nerves, which means my eyebrows don't move, my eyes don't track from left to right, and my upper lip doesn't move which means I can't smile, so basically facial paralysis or I like to refer to it as free Botox 😅," she explained in an Instagram post.

Being Bullied and Treated Like An Outcast

Growing up with her condition proved challenging, with Tayla experiencing severe bullying during her childhood. She recalled that people used to bring plastic bags to school, suggesting she put them over her head because they found her so ugly they didn't want to see her. She added that growing up being told that one is ugly and worthless can lead to believing it because one doesn't know anything else.

Today, the 25-year-old woman has her modeling career to look forward to and hopes to inspire others like her by sharing her story.

Her school years presented significant hurdles due to her stark differences from her peers. When Tayla started school at the age of 5 or 6, teachers and pupils treated her differently than everyone else, making her feel like an outcast.

"Not only did I think I wasn't good enough because I "couldn't smile," but so did a lot of other people…one specific group of people was the school rugby team...[Little] Tayla was so [traumatized], not just by the school rugby team, but by her schooling life in general..." recalled Tayla about being bullied as a child.

"I was a laughing stock of the school rugby team; I was their daily entertainment, and not only did they find it entertaining to make fun of me, or to rip my backpack [off] my back and throw it away from me (and more), but so did a lot of my other peers and teachers as well," she continued.

Feeling Unwelcome

At the age of 11, a surgical procedure was performed on Tayla with the aim of enhancing her ability to smile by transplanting tissue from her thigh to the corners of her mouth. Despite undergoing 12 months of recovery, doctors were unable to stimulate the nerves in her face, resulting in no improvement.

For an extended period, Tayla carried a sense of shame. Reflecting on her experiences, she expressed, "Growing up as someone that was always ridiculed for the way I looked truly made me feel like I wasn't welcome in society. It made me feel like just being Tayla wasn't good enough, that I had to work 100 x harder than everyone else to fit in just because I couldn't smile."

The torment persisted throughout Tayla's school years. By the age of 17, she began experiencing up to ten seizures a day, diagnosed by doctors as dissociative seizures triggered by severe traumatic stress. Tayla noted how the doctors compared her mental health to that of a soldier with PTSD.

She Refused to Give Up

Despite the challenges she faced, Tayla's spirit remained unbroken. She found the inner strength to believe in herself, mentioning that she had engaged in a significant amount of inner work. She accepted herself fully only a few years ago, but she had been on the self-love, acceptance, and discovery journey for around four years.

According to her, it had been a process of growth and improvement, getting better as time went on. With this newfound self-acceptance, she took a bold step by creating a public Instagram profile. Tayla, now comfortable in front of the camera, shares her photos and recounts her story online, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of embracing one's uniqueness.

Tayla attributes much of her strength to her supportive family. Reflecting on their role in her life, she expressed that her parents had been amazing. Even when she was younger, they never treated her any differently, and she felt really thankful for that. They always loved and supported her in anything she wanted to do, and she considered herself lucky to have them in her corner.

Carving a Career for Herself

No longer feeling like an outcast, Tayla confidently forges meaningful connections without being fearful. She values her alone time but effortlessly embraces social interactions, aided by gym workouts and meditation on her journey to self-acceptance.

Having overcome bullying in the past, Tayla has a heartfelt message for those struggling for acceptance, emphasizing that one's worthiness doesn't hinge on conforming to other people's expectations. According to Tayla, "You don't need to change to be accepted; you are worthy of acceptance no matter what."

Formerly battling loneliness, securing a modeling contract with Zebedee Talent in 2022 transformed Tayla's life, allowing her to inspire others. Grateful for her journey, she acknowledges the emotional void she once felt, emphasizing the joy derived from motivating and helping people.

User comment on Tayla Clement's photo, dated July 30, 2023 | Source:

User comment on Tayla Clement's photo, dated July 30, 2023 | Source:

Zebedee Talent, representing diverse talents, including Tayla, has played a pivotal role in showcasing unique perspectives. More popularly known as "The Girl Who Can't Smile," Tayla doesn't care what the world thinks about her anymore. "I choose to perceive my smile as mine; it's what makes me, me, and that's really all there is to it 🙂🙃," she proudly declared.

User comment on Tayla Clement's photo, dated July 30, 2023 | Source:

User comment on Tayla Clement's photo, dated July 30, 2023 | Source:

Today, the 25-year-old woman has her modeling career to look forward to and hopes to inspire others like her by sharing her story. She often receives words of appreciation and support from her fans, who deem her gorgeous and a true beauty. If anything, Tayla's story is proof that we have the power to rewrite our story however we like it.
